Wednesday 20 January 2016

Make Your College Essay Stand Out From The Crowd!

As a former dean with over fifteen years of admissions experience, I can tell you that the college essay can make or break your application. This is the one opportunity you have to “talk” directly to the admissions officer whose decision will decide if you get that “thick” envelope every applicant covets. The hard part is that same admissions officer has a huge pile of applications to review and yours is buried somewhere in the middle. Your essay has to stand out amidst the crowd of other applicants. Use these strategies to make sure yours jumps up, grabs the admissions officer’s attention, and gets you that offer of admission!
First, you’ve got to think of the audience that will be reading your work. Most likely, it will be a fairly recent college graduate just starting their career. Not the chairperson of the English department. So, throw out your thesaurus. Don’t use words like “plethora” or “analogous.” Your essay is not a vocabulary test!
An admissions officer will probably have thirty or more applicant files to review that day so your essay has to get their attention. Make yours be like guzzling three cans of Mountain Dew! Seriously. You can’t afford to be boring. The best way to avoid that is write about something that is interesting to you and to make it personal.
Goal number two is to make an emotional connection with the person reading it. They are going to “vote” on whether or not you should be allowed to join their exclusive club. To get a “yes” vote you need to get them to “feel” that you belong. Do that by having your essay reveal something about who you are, what you are like, or how you think.
Most of your application is full of papers that report impersonal data. Grades, test scores, courses completed. The essay is THE golden opportunity for your application to come alive and “speak” directly with that admissions officer. Make sure you take advantage of this opportunity. Pretend you are having a conversation with a family friend. Write using the first person. But, do be careful not to start every sentence with “I.”
The best way to connect with your reader is to tell a story. A really interesting story that paints a picture. A vivid picture with specific details. Give your reader the feeling that they are actually there with you.
Finally, make an effort to tie your essay in to why that individual college is the best choice for you. Do this for each college application. Be specific. Don’t just use the same old generalizations everyone else does. Show you’ve done your homework by explaining exactly why their learning environment is the right one for you.

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Academic Writing - 5 Suggestions for Improving Academic Writing Skills

There are tons of academic writing essays and custom essays that have been specifically made to understand and to provide information to students that want to have their work done for them. Often times there is a difference when it comes some of the information that is being provided and whether or not the information that is wanted, is being delivered. Often these are some things that students tend to realize when they are writing a custom essay and if they want to find a custom essay. To improve academic writing skills these are some things that can be applied.
Bold Thesis
Transitional arguments
Thesis statements
In academic writing a thesis statement is often made in a way that is embolded and created with a bold statement that creates a statement for people that is a clear decision. These statements will make an impact and create a readable reaction within seconds, which engages the reader whether they want to or not. Unfortunately, this is a tactic that is applied, but it can also be applied to empower people.
Being clear and concise
About the document makes a difference when a person is making their own statement in their academic writing paper. In many cases, the more specific a person is, the better the quality and that means that people who read the document will know what’s being said, whether it’s understood or not.
Arguments within a document will often make a difference when it comes to the arguments tat are being made. The arguments that are being made will be stronger if they are factual and less involved with the rest of the opinion. The facts is what makes the argument strong. These facts, when they are made clearly and thought about they will build and mold something to an understanding. They also reveal what isn’t fact and the argument that it makes.
Transitional arguments
In Academic writing these arguments often are the differences when it comes to the readability of the entire thesis and document. These will show whether or not the student knows what they are creating and whether the paper will read accordingly.

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Writing for SEO: 2 Ways to Make Money Writing Articles From Home You Can Start Today

I’ve been a freelance writer since 1993. In 2007, I started offering SEO content to clients - and my freelance business took off. This niche of technical writing became the most lucrative part of my business, so I formed a full-service SEO writing company in 2008.
There are two ways to make money “writing for SEO.” The first way is to provide the service to clients; the second option is to offer content to what I call “write-for-pay” sites.
Writing SEO Content for Write-for-Pay Sites
The main benefit of providing content to sites like Examiner, AssociatedContent, HubPages, and eHow, et al is that you don’t have to go looking for clients.
Usually, you just create an account there and/or fill out an application. If approved, you start writing and getting paid. Most pay based on the performance of your content (eg, you get paid every time someone clicks on - and reads - your article).
The downside of this is that it can take a while to start earning decent money (if ever). The upside is that If you’re in a hot niche like entertainment or tech, you can make quite a lot of money. Some freelancers on sites like Examiner earn six figures per year. So it’s possible to make a full-time, or at least part-time living writing for sites like these.
But in my experience, the real money in writing for SEO is providing the service to businesses. I know this first-hand. When I first started in 2007, I got so busy within the first couple of months that I had to hire other freelancers to help me out. Following of the pros and cons of going this route.
Writing for SEO: Offering the Service to Businesses
Pro: The client possibilities are limitless. At my SEO writing company, clients run the gamut from individual website owners (eg, one-person online entrepreneurs), to Fortune 500 companies. All you have to do is figure out a marketing strategy to get them flowing in, which brings me to my first con.
Con: Many new freelance SEO writers have weak marketing skills. Hence, they find it hard to land clients. Luckily, this is an easy con to overcome.
Pro: SEO content writing is hot! How hot? A 2012 study by Shareaholic revealed that professionals with ‘SEO’ in their title or description on the social media site LinkedIn grew by 112% in just 12 months; and job listings with 'SEO’ in it increased on the popular job site Indeed by 1900% since 2006.
So the need is there.
Con: Learning how to price article writing jobs is tough for many newbies because SEO writing rates are all over the place. Again though, this is an easy con to overcome with the right, “go to” source for information.
Pro: You can make a ton of money as an SEO writer, especially if you decide to freelance. How much?
According to a 2012 survey by Robert Half, which is one of the largest staffing agencies in the world, salaries ranged from the mid-40s ($45,000) to just over $90,000 per year. The study specifically revealed the following:
“Web content writers with five or more years experience can expect a salary range of between $60,500 and $90,750, while those with less than five years experience should receive something in the range of $45,250 and $66,250.”
The Real Benefit of Writing for SEO
When you learn how to write SEO content, what you’re really learning is how to how to market online. And you can parlay this skill into marketing almost anything you want online to make money.
For example, once I learned how to write for SEO, I started selling more of my ebooks, getting more participants in my freelance writing classes, and selling affiliate products. This is because I knew the rules of the online marketing game.

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Essay Types and Modes You'll Need to Write for College

You Want Us to Write What? Understanding the Task Assigned
Which academic essay writing types we use depends upon which 
disciplines (or classes) we write for. Each instructor or 
professor will assign papers that invite us to reveal in 
writing what we have learned/what we think about the 
material for that particular class:
* ANALYTIC-A classic style used in art, science, history, 
psychology, education, and most other disciplines across the 
curriculum to explore and investigate an idea, process, 
person, action, or attitude.
* ARGUMENTATIVE-Used in more advanced English classes, in 
philosophy, and in courses which include theory.
*COMPARATIVE/CONTRASTIVE-Used in most courses where specific 
analysis of like and unlike elements, characters, and ideas 
lend themselves to comparison.
*DEFINITIONAL-Written when we apply a more thorough study to 
a topic, especially an abstract one.
*DESCRIPTIVE-Used to more intensively, more concretely cover 
an idea, item, or subject.
*EVALUATIVE-Often confused with analytical, the evaluative 
essay moves beyond the what and how to the how much…we put 
a value on the topic here.
*EXPLANATORY-Also called the expository essay (though I tend 
to see all essays as expository, as exposing a truth about 
something). With this type we further our own and our 
readers’ understanding of the subject.
*PERSONAL-Also called the response essay, the personal style 
essay is still well written (readable for an audience other 
than the writer), but is more informal–containing narrative 
details that entertain.
*RESEARCH-While most essay types will include references or 
will quote authorities, the research essay is mostly 
informational, using the findings–the stats and facts–we 
made investigating the findings of others.
Modes and Types and Modes…Oh Crimeny! Avoiding Confusion
We need not panic when called upon to do a specific type of 
college paper writing. Why? Because we already use the 
types…on a smaller scale.
That is, we use miniature versions of the essay types when 
we write paragraphs for the complete essay. A type and a 
mode are the same thing, then. One is just smaller, while 
the other is an extension of the smaller.
For example, we write about the forms and functions of 
gossip for a sociology paper. We open with a definition 
paragraph that shows how the word “gossip” originated from 
the word “gospel.” Then we continue to discuss how gossip 
brings people closer–emotionally, spiritually, and even 
Go Easy on Yourself: Your Confusion is Understandable
Just as we might call all writing expository, we call one 
type and one mode an expository type of essay and an 
expository mode of writing. So is the piece I’m writing 
explanatory, definitional, comparative? I include 
explanatory elements. I use definition and example. I slip 
a comparison in, too.
Here’s one way to look at types/modes:
–We write a paragraph or passage in a certain mode. –We 
can then turn that smaller piece into a whole essay, into 
one long, extended mode.
Here’s another way to look at types/modes:
We buy a box of gourmet chocolates. We lift one from the 
box: we understand that the thing we hold in our hands is a 
chocolate. It also has chocolate in it.
Here’s one more way to look at types/modes:
You own a Camaro with a Corvette engine. They’re both 
You’re Going to What, Now? Confuse Us All Over Again?
No. Now that we have the types/modes separated enough to 
understand the difference, I’ll just remind you of one more 
thing: we can and usually do overlap the modes. No one 
piece of academic essay writing exists in one isolated mode 
alone. It includes many varied sub-styles to make it more 
engaging, entertaining, and expository.

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Essays on Outsourcing - What People Are Writing About Outsourcing

Outsourcing is a hot business topic and many essays on outsourcing have been written already. Some are critiques of this business strategy and points out the supposedly negative effects of the trend. The negative essays on outsourcing points out that it is “robbing” jobs from Western counties and transferring them to developing nations in the East.
These writings are actually telling the truth. Since outsourcing became prevalent, it is estimated that more than 4 million jobs have been moved from developed Western nations to developing ones in the East. The problem with these essays is that they do not provide the complete picture which will be discussed later on in this article.
Some of the negative things about outsourcing go as far as to say that the trend is to be blamed, either in small or big parts, to the economic crisis that is being felt by the United States and other major economies all over the world. It may be true that there are significantly less jobs in the U.S. and Europe nowadays because of outsourcing, it is neither right nor logical to blame it for the economic ills of the different nations. What people writing negative essays on outsourcing fail to realize is that outsourcing is actually helping business in the U.S, and other Western countries become competitive and grow despite the recession. It is estimated that companies that outsource were able to save as much as 70% of operations cost.
Companies are not the only ones that benefit from this tremendous savings. When companies save they are most likely to pass their savings to consumers in terms of lower prices of goods and services. When prices of goods and services are down, consumers are more likely to spend money when consumer spend money, the economy becomes healthy. This is the reason why many economist actually believe that outsourcing is good for the economy and why the trend should continue for years to come.
Now let us discuss the positive essays on outsourcing. If you will be able to read and hear what business owners are saying about outsourcing - how it has enabled them to save thousands of dollars, how it has streamlined their operations and how it has improved their organization’s efficiency, then you will be convinced that outsourcing is indeed a blessing to businesses and the economy.
Companies that benefit much from outsourcing some or majority of all their business functions believe that the practice will be here to stay and will nit be just a passing trend as some people would like to believe. There are experts who believe that it is riskier for business individuals to avoid joining the outsourcing bandwagon than it is to participate in it. Organizations that resulted the trend found themselves behind their competitors and spending almost double than companies wise enough to recognize the winning strategy.
If you are a business owner then you will benefit greatly from reading essays on outsourcing especially the positive ones that will inspire you to take action.

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What Skills Do You Learn at the University That Can Be Applied to Life?

We learn many things at university and most of them have nothing to do with academia! Going to university should be an exciting time in your life. For many it is the first time they have lived away from home. No more Mum and Dad to take care of you; you now have to fend for yourself and rely on yourself to get up in the morning, feed yourself, wash your own clothes and manage your money - quite a responsibility! Going to university often brings the first taste of independence and freedom which on the face of it sound great but actually can be really daunting.
When there is no one there to push you, it is very easy to let things slip or put things off. University is often the first time that you will have to manage your own time. You have to get yourself up for lectures and get essays and written work completed to a deadline. You will often have longer to complete essays; however, there is still a deadline and having more than can sometimes be a bad thing. You need to learn to focus and be disciplined, skills that are invaluable throughout life, not just at university.
Many people say that it is at university that they learnt their life skills. These are skills that cannot be taught in a classroom or lectured about. University life is generally where people make mistakes and learn different ways of living, often gaining experience about things that they would otherwise not have come across.
Gaining a degree from university will no doubt help you along the path of your chosen career and give you good academic grounding, but the life skills you learn at university will prepare you for so much more. There are generally many challenges to be faced throughout life and the skills you learn at university will equip you well to deal with these.
Many of the situations that you come across and have to deal with at university are new and you have to find ways of dealing with them. You learn to rely on yourself, but also to rely on others to help you get through certain things. This is true of studying also. Studying as an individual can be rewarding, but also studying as a group can help you learn from others and gain a different perspective. This is something that can be applied to your life generally

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The Steps in Peer Review and Its Importance

Often students are asked to review their peers essays and term papers. Why? This is a learning process for both the writer and readers in many ways. First, it gives the writer a real audience and a chance to hear what others think about their essay. Readers can say what they like and dislike about the essay. It gives the student a chance to make corrections before the instructor sees the essay. The reader can point out different mistakes and make suggestions about the essay or research paper. It is important for the student to remember that not all suggestions have to be accepted. Good peer review takes time and effort. It is important to begin the essay early so the reviewer has time to review it properly. The purpose of peer reviews is to improve editing skills and have someone point out the strengths and weaknesses of an essay.
Students who review the works of others are benefited by learning how to read essays with a critical mind. Students who critique others learn to critique their own work. This is beneficial as they learn to read and search for mistakes they see in essays by other students.
Often instructors distribute suggestions and questions to search for while reviewing essays of students. Here are some suggested questions for peer reviewing:
- What is the main idea?
- What is the thesis? Is the thesis in the first paragraph? Is the thesis clear?
- Is a hook used in the first paragraph? What type of hook?
- Does the essay support the thesis? What types of evidence is used? Does the evidence have relevance? Does the evidence have credibility?
- Is the essay organized? Why? Why not?
- Look at each paragraph and see if the main idea supports the thesis.
- Is the essay too wordy?
- Is there supporting evidence for each of the main topic sentences?
- Are transitions used between paragraphs?
- What are the main strengths of the essay?
- What are the weaknesses?
- Are any of the words spelled incorrectly?
- Check the grammar and punctuation.

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10 Ways to Implement a Successful Company-Wide Business Writing Training Program

Many companies over the past few years have introduced business writing training programs to improve the quality of the letters, reports and emails of their staff. Some programs have been enormously successful; others have fizzled
The reason: employees will change only if senior management is thoroughly sold on the need for change and announces that all employees are expected to co-operate. One of the most successful business writing training programs I was involved with had the president’s full backing; he demonstrated this by announcing that writing ability was to be considered in every job appraisal. And he wanted his employees to equally proficient in emails and report writing.
A second problem involves learning strategies. Learning a new activity and turning it into a habit takes only a couple of weeks. However, research shows it usually takes about six weeks to unlearn a long-term behaviour and to firmly entrench a change. This is particularly true for writing as we have all been doing some form of writing since early grade school. Changing academic writing into a style befitting letters, reports and emails takes time and energy.
Unfortunately, too many training programs do not offer a follow-up method to keep the changes fully in the forefront of the employee’s mind for the necessary period of time.
If you are planning to initiate a writing program for your company, here are proven ways to ensure your success.
  1. Work with an experienced trainer in business writing to design a workshop specifically tailored for your staff. Determine your focus: writing, letters, emails, reports, proposals, etc. Involve your managers in the objectives of the workshop.
  2. Have managers attend a shortened version of the workshop so they understand what their staff will be taught or - better yet - have them attend the workshop with their staff.
  3. Have each workshop introduced by a high-ranking executive to give it proper weight. The introduction should stress the purpose and importance of the program.
  4. Deliver the workshop to groups of 15 to 20 people, preferably from the same department. A two-day workshop with built-in practice sessions works well. (In my experience, you will get even better results if you spread the program over a month using ½ day sessions. However, the downside of this is monitoring attendance to ensure staff members attend all four sessions.)
  5. Present each participant with a comprehensive manual to be used during the workshop and then kept as a reference guide after the course.
  6. Insist that after the workshop, participants submit samples of their writing at regular intervals to ensure they are continuing to incorporate the new style. The samples should be submitted two weeks, six weeks and ten weeks after the workshop. The samples should be critiqued and returned directly to the writers with suggestions for any necessary improvement.
  7. Set up an internal hot-line number to assist participants with specific writing problems.
  8. Send staff - periodically - brief reminder bulletins or emails on writing points. Include articles on business writing in the company newsletter.
  9. Update all the company’s forms. This is a key area and one that is often overlooked.
  10. Prepare a brief style manual for all employees describing how your organization wants its business documents laid out. Among other things, the manual should include recommended type sizes, fonts, and the company rules for capitalization and spelling. Every new employee should be given a copy.